What We Do > Chiropractic for Kids

Start Them Young!
Every parent that I've talked to in my past 23 years of practice has always told me they keep telling their child to sit up straight and they don't listen.
I usually look at this statement two ways and I explain it to the parents the same way.
a) your child won't be able to sit up straight for long if their spinal structure won't allow them to and,
b) as a parent, teach them the tools to understand how their body works and they will take the best decisions for the rest of their lives without being "told what to do".
Chiropractic and child health go hand in hand. My husband, children, and I are adjusted on a regular basis to defend against the onslaught of physical, immunological and emotional stress endemic in today's world.
ABCW is a family-oriented chiropractic practice; we see babies and children of all age groups with or without symptoms who benefit from chiropractic care. Preparing your children for the world they'll be interacting in, is your responsibility as a parent. Their world will be one that is ruled by information so why not start by providing them the basic information of how their bodies work first, how to listen to their bodies’ cues, and how to respect the innate intelligence that exists in all of them.

Scoliosis is a complex condition for a number of reasons. We don’t fully understand its causation, it ranges greatly in severity, it can take on a variety of forms, and no one can tell exactly how much or how fast a condition will progress. Most scoliosis cases occur during the growth spurt prior to puberty, leading to potential deformities. While the exact cause of scoliosis is unknown, hereditary factors appear to play a role.
There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for scoliosis as each case varies greatly from patient to patient. In my years of treating scoliosis, I have never treated two patients the same way. The treatment focus will be on the entire spine and not just the site of scoliosis. Even losing one of the spine’s healthy curvatures impacts the biomechanics of the entire spine. A commonly-asked question regarding chiropractors and scoliosis is whether a chiropractor can straighten my spine?
When scoliosis is present, the spine is misaligned because of the curve’s most-tilted vertebrae at its apex; when the spine is misaligned, its overall function, biomechanics, and health are disrupted.
What chiropractic can do for you
Scoliosis isn’t always painful. Age is a significant predictor of whether or not a person’s scoliosis will be painful, as well as condition severity and the angle of trunk rotation (ATR). It is the condition’s rotational component that makes scoliosis three-dimensional as the spine doesn’t just bend unnaturally to the side, but also twists from back-to-front and front-to-back.
The more severe the condition (the higher the Cobb angle), and the more twisted the spine is, the more likely it is to be painful, but in the condition’s most-prevalent form, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, scoliosis is not yet a compressive condition. In simple terms, the earlier the diagnosis, the better the long-term prognosis. That’s why it is important to bring in children to get their spines screened for early detection and management.
The benefit of chiropractic care for Scoliosis patients
Chiropractic care can provide a variety of health benefits for patients with scoliosis, including reduced pain and discomfort, decreased inflammation, improved range of motion, improved flexibility, and an increased activity and lifestyle. With routine chiropractic care, scoliosis patients can better manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life without the need for prescription or over-the-counter pain medications.